Vi är mor och dotter som bestämt oss för att hjälpa utsatta människor i utvecklingsländer. För att hjälpa behöver vi kunna påverka de som bär ansvar. Bli fadder - varje krona gör förändring
Welcome to our homepage
Children's Home - a Swedish organisation, created by ordinary people, with the charity for vulnerable children in Africa.
We support NGOs who aim for poverty children. The NGOs need to increase their work and knowledge about the countries rules, laws and regulations and claim local society rights from authorities. The local and regional government are the forefront to bringing human rights to all.
The collobration Swedish Children's Home have with NGOs, develop us and give us a greater understanding of how poverty arises. We are constantly working to learn more about Convention on the Right of a child and Human Rights, and will give also you information through your sponsorship.
Sponsor a child:
For 100 Swedish crowns per month.
If you think of to do lasting difference - become a child sponsor! And change the world today...
Poverty, sickness and difficult life situations mean that many parents cannot care for their children adequately.
Sponsorship for a village:
Sponsor a village for 100 Swedish crowns per month
The sponsorship support communities who participate in MCTFs educational, training, healthcare and family strengthening programmes
Support with a donation:
Do you want to support with a gift?
Your donation from other country then Sweden:
BANK: Swedbank
IBAN: SE2680000842029348979734
From Sweden:
Swish 123 3385531
We believe strongly on community and voluntary work for human rights and convention of child´s rights.
Contact us at
All information in email is in English
Photography policy:
Our photography policy statement is clear that parents or carers should gain verbal or written permission before sharing photographs or videos of children
100 SEK per month. After more then 8 years with working to save and protect children in Africa, we understand that all children do not grow up in safe homes. We support organizations where they can do much good by pooling sponsor funds in order to attack the problems facing the communities where the children live with long-term, sustainable solutions. Your sponsorship is for a child but also for the work to change poverty rate in the region.
We can help with several volunteer programs.
You can give back to commmunites in need, support children in school, help orphanages, work as a volunteer in a hospital, work with humanitarian volunteering with NGOs who support poverty families in a long-term with help to self-help.
Price example: Price is including pick up at airport, introduction program, room, food 3 times per day, chef. Exluded flight, vaccin, VISA, insurance.
Price 3 weeks 5500 SEK, 12 weeks 14 500 SEK. All money you pay for volunteer trip reaches the poverty area you visit
Support with a gift for health care, safe water, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more to poverty children and communities at scale
Short and sweet, taglines are like punchlines.